He Pai Noa Iho Te Rerekē

He Pai Noa Iho Te Rerekē
He pūkete e hāngai ana ki te taumata 4 me te 5 o te marautanga reo me te marautanga hauora. E whā ngā pakimaero, e whā ngā pānui whakaahua, e whā ngā kōpae whakarongo, kotahi te puka arotohu a te pouako.
Taumata o te Marautanga: 4–5
Momo rauemi: Pukapuka, Pānui Whakaahua, Kōpae Whakarongo
Kaituhi: Peti Nohotima
Kaiwhakaputa: He Kupenga Hao i te Reo
Nama take: 119630
ISBN: 978-0-9864577-9-1
Ko te hauora o te taiohi tāne te kaupapa o ngā pakimaero, arā, ko ngā pōraruraru, ko ngā āwangawanga, ko ngā whanonga rerekē ka puta i te wā o te pūhuruhurutanga. Ko Rāwiri rāua ko Matiu ngā kiripuaki matua o roto i ngā pakimaero e whā. He tuakana he taina, engari he rerekē tētahi i tētahi. He aha ngā raruraru ka pā ki tēnā ki tēnā, me pēhea hoki te whakatau? Pānuihia!
He utu-kore ēnei rauemi mō ngā kura o Aotearoa. Me tono atu ki: www.thechair.co.nz, waea atu rānei, 0800 660 662.
A boxed set containing four novels, four posters, four sets of CD’s and a teachers guide. The central characters in the novels are teenage brothers Rawiri and Matiu. Each have their own talents and personality, and each have different challenges to overcome and resolve. The novels focus on various issues that boys deal with during their teenage years.
If you wish to to obtain a hardcopy of this resource, please visit the Ministry of Education online catalogue at www.thechair.co.nz or call 0800 660 662.