He Pānui Whakaahua Pāngarau


He Pānui Whakaahua Pāngarau

He Pānui Whakaahua Pāngarau is a set of 5 A2 coloured pāngarau wall posters exemplifying the use of different mental number strategies within common everyday contexts. They are targeted for children at stages 5 and 6 of the Number Framework. The posters can be displayed in classrooms and easily referred to by students and teachers as part of their pāngarau programme as the need arises. The posters aim to provide examples for the verbalising of part-whole number strategies in te reo Māori. Teachers notes are printed on the back of each poster.

The individual posters are:

Kānga Waru
This poster shows a father and child cooking kānga waru, using a mental strategy to work out how much sugar is needed if the recipe is increased by one and a half times.

This poster shows a boy using a mental strategy to work out how much more he needs to save so that he has enough to buy a new skateboard.

Te Haere ki te Pikitia
This poster shows two children using an appropriate mental strategy to work out what time the picture they are going to watch will finish.

Te Whakatō Rīwai
This poster shows a koro and his mokopuna planting rīwai, using a mental strategy to work out how many rīwai are needed to plant twelve rows of rīwai if there are fifteen in every row.

Te Whatu Tīpare
This poster shows a kuia and her mokopuna working on a tāniko tīpare, using a mental strategy to work out how many triangles will be in the pattern if the tīpare is 42 cm long.

He utu-kore ēnei rauemi mō ngā kura o Aotearoa. Me tono atu ki: www.thechair.co.nz, waea atu rānei, 0800 660 662.

If you wish to to obtain a hardcopy of this resource, please visit the Ministry of Education online catalogue at www.thechair.co.nz or call 0800 660 662.

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