
Te Reo Hauora

Te Reo Hauora

Te Reo Hauora

$40.25 (inc.GST)

He papakupu e hāngai ana ki te marautanga hauora me ōna peka maha.

Taumata o te Marautanga: 1–8

Momo rauemi: Pukapuka

Kaituhi: He Kupenga Hao i te Reo

Kaiwhakaputa: He Kupenga Hao i te Reo

Nama take: MOE22559

ISBN: 978-1-927225-59-2

He papakupu e hāngai ana ki te whakaako i te hauora me ōna peka maha, pērā i te kori tinana, i te mātai tinana, i te hauora niho, i te haumaru wai me ngā momo māuiui maha. Ka whai wāhi atu ko ngā rārangitanga kupu Māori, kupu Ingarihi, ngā whakamārama, ngā tauira kōrero me ngā whakaahua e hāngai ana.

Kei runga hoki te papakupu nei i te pae ipurangi

He utu-kore ēnei rauemi mō ngā kura o Aotearoa. Me tono atu ki:, waea atu rānei, 0800 660 662.

A Māori language dictionary of health and physical education relating to the learning and teaching of areas such as exercise, anatomy, dental health, water safety and many types of illness. It contains Māori to English and English to Māori wordlists, as well as detailed explanations, sentence examples and illustrations.

The content of this dictionary resource is available online at

If schools wish to to obtain a hardcopy of this resource, please visit the Ministry of Education online catalogue at or call 0800 660 662.

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