He Tautoko i te Marautanga Pāngarau:
Te Tauira me te Pānga

He Tautoko i te Marautanga Pāngarau:
Te Tauira me te Pānga
He pukapuka e tirotiro ana i ngā huatau matua o tēnei wāhanga o te pāngarau, te tauira me te pānga, me ētahi ngohe whakaako. E hono ana ki Ngā Whanaketanga Pāngarau o Aotearoa, Taumata 1a ki te 5a. Koia tētahi o roto i te kāhui pukapuka Hei Tautoko i te Marautanga Pāngarau.
Taumata o te Marautanga: 1–5
Momo rauemi: Pukapuka
Kaituhi: He Kupenga Hao i te Reo
Kaiwhakaputa: He Kupenga Hao i te Reo
Nama take: 710300
ISBN: 978-0-9876550-0-4
He pukapuka tēnei mā te pouako, e aro ana ki tēnei wāhanga o te pāngarau, te tauira me te pānga, me ngā whanaketanga ako, mai i te taumata 1 ki te taumata 5 o te marautanga. Ka whai wāhi atu ko tētahi wāhanga e whakamārama ana i ngā huatau matua, he wāhanga anō e whakaatu ana i ētahi ngohe whakaako e hāngai ana ki tēnā taumata ki tēnā taumata, me tētahi wāhanga e whakaatu ana i ētahi tūhuratanga hei mahi mā te ākonga.
This is a teachers book focussing on patterns and relationships, and the learning progressions from Level 1 through to Level 5 of the curriculum. It contains a section which explains the big ideas, as well as teaching activities for each of the levels, and investigations for students to work on.
He utu-kore ēnei rauemi mō ngā kura o Aotearoa. Me tono atu ki: www.thechair.minedu.govt.nz