
Te Reo o Ngā Toi

Te Reo o Ngā Toi

Te Reo o Ngā Toi

$40.25 (inc.GST)

He papakupu e hāngai ana ki ngā whenu e toru o Ngā Toi o roto i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, arā, ko Toi Ataata, ko Toi Puoro, ko Toi Rēhia.

Taumata o te Marautanga: 1–8

Momo rauemi: Pukapuka

Kaituhi: Ian Christensen

Kaiwhakaputa: He Kupenga Hao i te Reo

Nama take: 711931

ISBN: 978-1-927225-55-4

He papakupu toi e hāngai ana ki ngā taumata katoa o Ngā Toi i roto i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Ka whai wāhi atu ko ngā rārangitanga kupu Māori, kupu Ingarihi, ngā whakamārama me ngā whakaahua e hāngai ana.

Kei runga hoki te papakupu nei i te pae ipurangi

He utu-kore ēnei rauemi mō ngā kura o Aotearoa. Me tono atu ki:, waea atu rānei, 0800 660 662.

A Māori language dictionary of the Arts covering all levels of the Ngā Toi learning area in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. It contains Māori to English and English to Māori word lists, as well as detailed explanations and illustrations.

The content of this dictionary resource is available online at

If schools wish to to obtain a hardcopy of this resource, please visit the Ministry of Education online catalogue at or call 0800 660 662.

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Pānui Whakaahua Ngā Toi

Pānui Whakaahua Ngā Toi

Pānui Whakaahua Ngā Toi

Tekau mā rua ngā pānui whakaahua e hono ana ki te papakupu Te Reo o Ngā Toi.

Taumata o te Marautanga: 1–8

Momo rauemi: Pānui Whakaahua

Kaiwhakaputa: He Kupenga Hao i te Reo

Nama take: Kei raro e whakaaturia ana


Te kohinga pānui whakaahua (set of 12) – 71132

He utu-kore ēnei rauemi mō ngā kura o Aotearoa. Me tono atu ki:, waea atu rānei, 0800 660 662.

A set of twelve posters relating to Te Reo o Ngā Toi, the Māori language dictionary for Ngā Toi o roto i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. The poster topics and item numbers are:

Full set of 12 posters – 71132

If you wish to to obtain a hardcopy of this resource, please visit the Ministry of Education online catalogue at or call 0800 660 662.

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Cliff Whiting: He Toi Nuku
He Toi Rangi

Cliff Whiting: He Toi Nuku
He Toi Rangi

Cliff Whiting: He Toi Nuku
He Toi Rangi

Softcover: $49.99 (inc. GST)

Hardcover Limited Edition: $130.00 (inc. GST)

Release Date: 15 November 2013

Author: Ian Christensen

290mm × 270mm (landscape), 210 pages, image rich, full colour

978-1-927225-28-8 (hard cover)
978-1-927225-27-1 (soft cover)

“An artist has an obligation to the art of his or her people. Its the people’s art. It doesn’t belong to you. It must identify Māori to Māori if it is going to remain relevant about our tribal beliefs, values and mana in today’s and tomorrow’s world.”

Throughout a career spanning more than 50 years, this observation of Sandy Adsett has been an underlying ethic reflected in Cliff Whiting’s work as a teacher, an artist, and in arts administration. Born in 1936, in a whare raupō beside the Kereu river, inland from Te Kaha on the East Coast of the North Island, Cliff showed early signs of having inherited the artistic creativity inherent in his whakapapa. This talent was nurtured, encouraged, and challenged by many along his journey, in particular by Pine Taiapa of Ngāti Porou and Gordon Tovey within arts education. Cliff has developed a recognisable style of contemporary Māori art, based firmly on his Te Whānau-a-Apanui tribal traditions, which can be seen in his marae building, and the public and individual art works he has completed. He has contributed his expertise and time to a large number of marae renovation projects, and was also the first Kaihautū of Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand. He has received many awards in recognition of his contributions, including New Zealand’s highest honour, the Order of New Zealand (1998), and Te Tohu Tiketike a Te Waka Toi (2003).

This new book provides insights to the thinking, the work and the development of this remarkable artist who has made an outstanding contribution to the tradition of Māori art making and meeting house decoration, forging innovative techniques and practises, exploring new materials and forms, while at the same time maintaining essential elements of tradition, ensuring the relevancy of ‘beliefs, values and mana in today’s and tomorrow’s world’.

The book has both Māori and English texts, and is supported with a large number of images of the many projects, people and art works Cliff has been involved in over the many years of his career.

Proudly printed and bound in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Toitū Te Whakaaro,
He Mana Tangata

Toitū Te Whakaaro,
He Mana Tangata

Toitū Te Whakaaro,
He Mana Tangata

He pūkete e hāngai ana ki te taumata rima o te marautanga reo me te  marautanga toi. Kei roto i te pūkete, e rima ngā pukapuka matua, e rima ngā pukapuka ākonga, he kōpae whakarongo, he kōpae ataata, me te puka aratohu a te kaiako.

Taumata o te Marautanga: 4–6

Momo rauemi: Pukapuka, Kōpae Ataata (DVD), Kōpae Whakarongo (CD)

Kaituhi: Peti Nohotima, Ian Christensen

Kaiwhakaputa: He Kupenga Hao i te Reo

Nama take:
Te pūkete o tēnei rauemi 112623
Te pukapuka matua 112619
Te Pukapuka a te Kaiako 112618
Te pukapuka ākonga 112620
Te kōpae ataata 112622
Te kōpae whakarongo 112621

Te pukapuka matua 978-0-9582985-2-0
Te Pukapuka a te Kaiako 978-0-9582985-4-4
Te pukapuka ākonga 978-0-9582985-3-7
Te kōpae ataata 978-0-9582985-1-3
Te kōpae whakarongo 978-0-9582985-0-6

E rua e rua a Peti Nohotima rāua tahi ko Cliff Whiting, he pūkenga whakairo. Ko tā tētahi, he whakairo i te kupu, tā tētahi he whakairo i te rākau. E noho tōpū ana ā rāua mahi ki ēnei pukapuka. Ko ngā mātātuhi kahupeka a Cliff, ko ngā pakiwaitara a Peti, te otinga mai o ngā whakaaro i pupū ake i ō rāua hinengaro ki ētahi whakataukī e rima a ngā mātua tīpuna.

He utu-kore ēnei rauemi mō ngā kura o Aotearoa. Me tono atu ki:, waea atu rānei, 0800 660 662.

Toitū Te Whakaaro, He Mana Tangata is a boxed set containing:

  • A book of prints by Cliff Whiting , and short stories by Peti Nohotima based on their interpretations of five whakataukī (x5)
  • A teachers guide.
  • A student book about Cliff’s creative process to produce the prints (x5).
  • A DVD about Cliff and his printmaking process.
  • A CD recording of Peti reading her five short stories.

If you wish to to obtain a hardcopy of this resource, please visit the Ministry of Education online catalogue at or call 0800 660 662.

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